It is common for businesses to pay the same car allowance or reimbursement to all employees who operate vehicles. But some organizations offer more individualized reimbursements. Which is the right...
Whether your business operates a fleet of company vehicles, pays a car allowance, or reimburses vehicle costs, today's sky high car insurance rates are playing a role in your budget. Here's how to...
A vehicle allowance offsets travel expenses for employees who drive a personal vehicle for work. Avoid typical pitfalls by following these three tips for a successful vehicle program.
Calculating a fair vehicle reimbursement amount is not as simple as multiplying a mileage rate by miles driven. This is because paying an equal rate to employees is not equitable.
Many organizations have employees who operate vehicles for business purposes. Some issue company vehicles while others reimburse the use of personal vehicles or pay a car allowance. What happens when...
Paying an equal car allowance or mileage rate has long been the norm. But today's economy requires a different approach. It starts with a standardized vehicle.
It pays to outsource the administration of your company car allowance policy. Here are the top ten reasons why.
When it comes to providing a car allowance or reimbursement to employees, it is important to craft a financially sustainable plan. Here are five ways to achieve accurate reimbursements without cost...
The travel and expense (T & E) category of an operations budget is one of the toughest to control. One easily overlooked subcategory is reimbursement for vehicle travel. Performing a review of this...