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The California Labor Code 2802(a) Cheat Sheet

Written by mBurse Team Member   |   May 8, 2023 7:00:00 AM
2 min read

The state of California has the strictest labor laws in the country when it comes to auto allowances and vehicle reimbursements. Whether your company pays a monthly allowance or the IRS mileage rate, you cannot assume your program complies with CA Labor Code Section 2802(a). 

What Cal Labor Code 2802 requires

Under California Labor Code Section 2802(a), employers must fully reimburse employees for all expenses necessarily incurred as part of their job. If your organization has California employees that drive personal vehicles for work purposes, it is important to understand what constitutes an expense.

Expenses covered by section 2802

When an employee uses a personal vehicle to carry out job responsibilities, vehicle expenses are covered under section 2802. This includes depreciation, insurance, fuel, maintenance, and more. If an employee can show that your organization has failed to reimburse them adequately, it will prove a costly mistake.

Reimbursement methods for CA employees

In Gattuso v. Harte-Hanks Shoppers, Inc. a California court determine three acceptable reimbursement methods to comply with Labor Code section 2802:

  • Actual Expense: Employee keeps detailed receipts, employer directly reimburses these.
  • Mileage Reimbursement: Employee keeps a mileage log, employer reimburses uses a cents-per-mile rate (e.g. IRS mileage rate).
  • Lump-Sum Payment: Employer pays an agreed-upon amount sufficient to cover vehicle costs (e.g. car allowance).

In the latter two methods, the law allows employees to challenge the reimbursement if insufficient to cover costs. Other states have similar labor laws, including IL and MA. It is vitally important to discover whether your current auto allowance or reimbursement policy violates these laws.

Labor Code self audit

When car allowances violate the CA Labor Code

Organizations that pay car allowances to California employees are using the lump-sum method. This method is the riskiest way to comply with the law. If the employee can show that the allowance amount does not cover costs, the company must pay the difference.

Because lump-sum payments do not require proof of business mileage, the IRS treats these as taxable income. This means a car allowance must cover all vehicle costs after taxes. In an expensive state like California, only a generous allowance will avoid running afoul of the law.

When mileage reimbursements violate section 2802(a)

If an organization instead reimburses mileage, violations may still occur. This is for two reasons.

Fixed vehicle costs

First, employees accrue mileage at different rates. Every driver starts with a set of fixed costs (e.g. insurance, taxes, registration, depreciation) and must drive a certain number of miles in order for the reimbursement to catch up with those expenses, along with the travel-based costs (e.g. gas, oil, maintenance). Low-mileage drivers and even some mid-mileage drivers might not hit the break-even amount. Thus an organization can be compliant with section 2802(a) for some employees but not others.

National mileage rate

Second, most standardized mileage rates are based on national averages for auto costs. The 2023 IRS mileage rate of 65.5 cents-per-mile and 2024 rate of 67 cents-per-mile were based on national averages. Because California is far more expensive than average, a standardized rate like the IRS rate will likely not prove sufficient for all California drivers.

Evaluating your business vehicle program's compliance

Consider the following reasons why a travel reimbursement policy might fall short of CA Labor Code Section 2802(a):

  1. Your mileage reimbursement rate is arbitrary.

Many employers set a mileage rate that they assume will cover all expenses and then hire employees at that rate. However, an employer that arbitrarily sets the reimbursement rate faces a danger: an employee may later pursue a legal claim that the established rate does not accurately reflect actual expenses. 

Low-mileage drivers in particular tend to find themselves shorted by mileage reimbursements. This is because fixed costs like depreciation and auto insurance must be spread out over a certain amount of miles before the mileage reimbursement rate covers them fully in addition to the mileage-based costs like fuel, oil, and tires.

  1. You compensate using a flat auto allowance.

A flat car allowance often fails to address the ever-changing expenses of a mobile employee. It may not keep up with gas prices, it may not reflect the territory sizes of all employees, it may not adequately address depreciation, which increases with inflation costs. As cars increasingly serve as the offices of employees, car allowances must have the flexibility to keep up with increased travel and increased expenses.

Even worse, a car allowance is treated as taxable compensation by the IRS. So that $600 allowance becomes $390 and that $700 allowance becomes $455. (This assumes a total withholding of 35% for state and federal taxes, including FICA/Medicare.)

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  1. The IRS standard rate can prove insufficient.

Many employers use the IRS mileage rate, assuming it will cover driving expenses. And it often does. The IRS standard mileage rate is not arbitrary and is based on an annual study of the fixed and variable costs of operating an automobile. These costs including depreciation, insurance, repairs, tires, maintenance, gas and oil.

The Division of Labor Standards Enforcement has stated that the IRS mileage rate will generally satisfy the employer’s obligation, absent evidence to the contrary.

But sometimes an employee does present evidence to the contrary. In that case, using the IRS rate proves costly. With gas prices in California increasingly pushing higher than the national average, it becomes more and more likely that the IRS standard mileage rate will not cover the vehicle expenses of California drivers.

The costs of non-compliance with CA Labor Code 2802(a)

If an employee can demonstrate the auto allowance, the IRS mileage rate, or the chosen mileage reimbursement rate does not cover expenses, the employer must pay the difference

Furthermore, an employee can demand three years of back-pay for unreimbursed expenses. Accrued interest as well as attorney's fees incurred from claims as well as actions to enforce section 2802 are recoverable and may be awarded by either the courts or the Labor Commissioner.

If your organization is paying a flat taxable auto allowance, an arbitrary mileage reimbursement rate, or even the IRS rate for California employees, it is time to review your policy. 

If you would like a free evaluation of your car allowance policy for those employees in the state of California, please contact us today. Or, use the button below to try our rate optimization program.

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