Online guide

Identifying Current Location From Saved Locations

mLog retrieves a location's latitude, longitude, and range (radius) from GPS, WiFi, or your cellular network. When comparing your location to a different location, it looks at the location's radius plus 100 meters (about 328 feet). If that number is greater than the distance between these two sets of coordinates, the app determines that these two locations are the same.

You can change the Location Range to fit your needs. For example, you can set the location accuracy of a big parking lot to be a few hundred meters, while street parking might require only a few meters. If the range is too large, it will cover more area than it should.

Make sure the latitude/longitude is accurate too. You can fill in the address and select Address > Latitude/Longitude.

Importing Locations from Google Maps

mLog allows users to import locations from Google Maps. To import locations, open the location details from Google Maps. Select Share with mLog. After the address populates, add the name and select Address > Latitude/Longitude and add the appropriate range. Save the location so it is available as an mLog location for future needs.

Assigning Business Activities to Locations

When previous trips end at the same location with the same activity, the next trip will also be assigned the same activity. For example, if all previous trips to ABC Corp were for Business, the next trip to ABC Corp will be assigned to Business.

To change the activity type for a trip, select the trip from the Trips page. Then swipe right. Or tap the B, P, or U circle and select the appropriate designation from the drop-down menu.


Correcting a Location

mLog may deliver incorrect location results when searching for a location. Here are some common troubleshooting tips:

  1. Wait for the GPS to identify the location and check the status in the top notification bar. The GPS icon will turn a solid color. Once mLog finds the location, an onscreen message “Updating location” will display toward the bottom of the screen.

  2. When manually entering or importing a location, it is necessary to select Address > Latitude/Longitude on the Location edit page to pull in the latitude/longitude coordinates for location accuracy.

  3. If a location has been misidentified, open the location to check Location Range. If the range is greater than 1,000 feet or 300 meters, the area might be too large. We recommend either merging the location to the correct one or fixing the location range. To merge or edit a location, go to the mLog home or trips page and select Menu > Locations.